Are You a Nutritionist/ Dietitian ?
Get eClinic (= Website + eConsult Platform)- No more working for someone else's online diet portal
- Flexible lifestyle: Consult anywhere / anytime
- Build brand, get Global Recognition
- 2000+ Nutritionists trust Zest.MD
Need more convincing?
More and more people are searching for diet consultations online. In India, every month about 1 crore people search online for diet consultation and nutritionist related services (Source: Google Insights, March 2013).
Even if a client could visit the nutritionist once, he may not be able to visit regularly, every 10 days over 6 months.
This is where eClinic for Nutritionists comes into play - this is for individual nutritionist to grow using the power of internet.

Do you wonder how things might have been different had you taken this step and began with your eClinic a year ago?? Well, to sum it up - it would have been very different!
In just 6 months, Nutritionists have grown beyond imagination and gone global!
Dt. Neha Chandna from Mumbai began her eClinic in July 2013 - and she has been totally thrilled with the scale of her consultation business and the freedom/ flexibility of work that Zest.MD eClinic offers.
Dt. Neha now has clients from Australia, Dubai, London, Singapore & all over India.

Dr. Deepa Agarwal from Hyderabad. She worked earlier in Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and is currently working with Nova Speciality clinics in Hyderabad. She began her eClinic in January 2014 - and she has consulted more than 200 clients in just 6 months!!

Diet Consultation is undergoing a transformation - Don't be left behind

I understand that initially, coming from an offline setup, it is difficult to imagine the scale of success that can be achieved through online platform. I recently addressed an audience at Washington DC, USA about scope of online consultation for nutritionists - and the widespread consensus was that purely any nutritionist relying purely on offline consultation is staring at an unsure future.
Online is going to play much greater role in future, and even right now, size of online opportunity is much bigger than that offline.
Doesn't matter is you have a clinic, you work within a hospital or you work from home - we have worked with every type of nutritionist and proved time and again that the platform brings in success for them!!
Nutritionists renew their plans with us, again and again - simply because eClinic makes financial sense. It provide a great return on investment.
Hear from nutritionists who are changing the face of diet consultation, with Zest.MD
Dr. Shalini Singhal, Delhi
Grows from 4 to 200 patients
Tehzeeb Lalani, Mumbai
eClinic for offline clients
Dt. Nisha Malhotra, Delhi
Clients from UK & USA
This could have very well been your story! You can grow and really exploit the power of internet. You can script your own success story.
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