Online Nutrition Business

I have a Blog, I have a Facebook Page – I don’t need an eClinic for Nutritionists

One of the most common query we receive from nutritionist is

“I have a facebook page and my blogs are popular, so why would I need an eClinic?”

We honestly feel very bad for someone who is not able to understand how eClinic for nutritionists can not only fit in very well with their current activities, but infact it is even more important for you if you have a good connect with people over blogs & facebook pages.

eClinc for nutritionists facebook page blogIf I am to compare the situation to an offline analogy, it can be best explained like this: Say you put up a nice board outside your clinic, and you are able to attract good interest and walk-ins of patients. Now would you consider saying that since my board attracts so much attention, I don’t really need a clinic and I will keep it closed?




Facebook page and blogs are a way for you to establish yourself and to connect with people from across the globe, much beyond your geographic area. But if you do not have an eClinic, you are actually not prepared to serve the connections and reach that you are gaining by your efforts. You are loosing out so much everyday, just because you are not ready to serve those who want to take services from you!!


But I do consult over emails! I understand. But how do you communicate this to the patient? Are you sure that each of the reader of your blog and every fan of your facebook page is aware about your consultation over email, packages available and the charges? Only a fraction of people who want your service contact you for details, and a majority of them don;t go forward because they are not sure how well the interaction over email will go!

eClinic sends out a clear message:

  • I consult online
  • I am serious about consultations which I provide online
  • I have proper tools to make sure the communication with you is awesome

And whats the plus side is that using eClinic not only makes patients happier, but it saves you a huge amount of time!! Its easier than sending diet charts over an email.

Don;t waste your efforts writing blog posts and managing facebook page, if you are not ready to leverage from them!

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