Online Nutrition Business

As a Nutritionist/ Dietitian, Do you know your patients well?

As a Dietitian/ Nutritionist, you can help your patients a lot more by staying in touch, proper and regular communication about lifestyle/ vital stats. However, in current setup it can become overwhelming for a Dietitian to go through data from all the patients on a daily or even weekly basis.

eClinic platform helps you to add value to your patient consultation, without taking a toll on your time!



Do you ask your patients to write a daily food log? How often do you review it – Daily? Weekly? Monthly?

And what about parameters like weight, Blood Glucose level, Blood pressure etc.?


It can be very difficult to monitor patients frequently, and to follow-up with them based on their data. Physical visits for follow-up is definitely not the solution, but on talking with over 100 nutritionists we found that even email/ shared documents are not feasible for such communication.

In platform we allow each nutritionist to run her own eClinic – Each of your patients can register themselves on your platform and can update their data in a regular manner, and whats best is you can view and provide feedback within minutes.

We know nutritionists who handle more than 100 patients through their eclinic in just under 1 hours a day!

You can write a message for the patient on your eClinic and he will also receive a copy of it on his email!


So if you are currently consulting patients and trying communication with emails and other online techniques – its time to move on to simpler and more meaningful ways to communicate.


Get your own eClinic platform by registering at

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