eClinic for Nutritionists
Fastest way for Nutritionists to Grow Online
3000+ nutritionists use ZestMD

"I am a freelance nutritionist. I grew from 4 to 200 clients within 6 months ..."
Dr. Shalini Singhal, Delhi

"I work with a hospital, and ZestMD allows me to add more value for my clients."
Dr. Deepa Agarwal, Hyderabad

"I am fitness nutritionist, and I am addicted to ZestMD!"
Dt. Neha Chandna, Mumbai

3000+ Nutritionists in 92 Indian Cities
More than 3000+ Nutritionists in India, across 92 cities trust ZestMD for their diet consultations. If you search in google for dietitians near you, you would certainly find a nutritionist using ZestMD platform (nutrition software for nutritionists).
Global Platforms in other Countries
We also have nutritionists & Health Coaches in USA, UK, Canada, Kenya, Bahrain, Ghana & Australia using our platform. (The platform for Health Coaches in USA is customized as per their unique needs.)

Commonly Asked Questions
I consult clients on 1-to-1 basis. How would platform help me?
The platform would help you stay better connected and updated with your clients. Your clients can create their own account, update their profile and share data from apps like Fitbit and Runkeeper with you. You and your client can exchange messages and files through the platform itself, helping you manage loads of data very simply, in a relevant manner.
What questionnaire are clients able to fill on my portal? Can I customize it?
Your portal comes pre-loaded with a standard questionnaire for cliemt assessment. This is a questionnaire which most of our Health Coaches use and are happy with it. However, if you have any customization request for your client assessment questionnaire, just ask us and we will modify your assessment form for you!
Can I use this platform to run group programs?
Yes. Many of our coaches run group program and we have special provision for it. When creating a service you may indicate the start date for the group program and all enrolled users for the group program begin to receive the files, receipes etc. starting from that date.
I am not technology expert, would I be able to use it?
If you are able to use email and facebook, you would surely be able to use this platform. It is muchsimpler and saves time! We also have a team ready to help and assist you to get started.